Researchers from Capgemini Consulting and MIT Sloan Management studied nearly 400 organisations worldwide for two years. The research showed that organisations with higher digital maturity clearly perform better than their competitors.

This research is interesting because digital maturity is usually not given much attention, let alone two years of research conducted among hundreds of organisations, with examples of larger organisations.
Digital maturity refers to how an organisation deals with the organisational, informational, technological, and cultural challenges of digital transformation. The higher the maturity level, the better an organisation is able to succeed in the digital age we are currently living in.
The researchers see digital maturity as a combination of two separate but related dimensions: 'digital intensity' and 'transformation management intensity'. 'Digital intensity' is the organisation's ability to invest in technological initiatives to improve the way of working. 'Transformation management intensity' refers to the ability to successfully achieve digital transformation.
Types of maturity
The researchers divided the studied organisations into four types of maturity: 'Digital Beginners', 'Digital Fashionistas', 'Digital Conservatives', and 'Digirati'.

'Digital Beginners' are not aware of the importance of digital transformation or have just started some digital initiatives, with little effect.
'Digital Fashionistas' are busy with fun digital applications that generally add little value. There is no organisation-wide strategy behind it.
'Digital Conservatives' are more cautious than 'Fashionistas'. They are aware of the importance of a connecting vision, governance, and a change in culture. But sometimes they are too skeptical and cautious and therefore miss opportunities.
The 'Digirati' are organisations that truly understand how to generate value with digital transformation. By targeted investment in digital initiatives, they steadily build on their digital transformation, and thus their leading position over their competitors.
The myths of digital transformation
In the two years of research, the authors of the research report encountered many misconceptions about digital transformation. If you look at 'Reality', you can see how interdisciplinary digital transformation really is. But also that there are opportunities everywhere and that it is certainly doable. As long as the transformation is led from the top and the relationship between IT and the business is optimal.

More about the research
See the research report The Digital Advantage: How digital leaders outperform their peers in every industry by Capgemini Consulting and MITSloan Management.
The research report includes examples from Codelco, Burberry, Nike, and Caesars Entertainment. It also covers the various sectors in the market.
Take the free self-test on Digital maturity
Would you like to see how digitally mature your organisation is? Take the free self-test Digital maturity from TIMAF. Use this self-test to determine where you stand as an organisation and where improvements can be made.
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