Processes are an integral part of an organization's digital maturity. The better the processes are set up and measured and optimised, the better the organisation can grow in a digital transformation.

Digital maturity indicates how an organisation deals with the organisational, informational, technological, and cultural challenges of a digital transformation.
TIMAF Digital Maturity Model.
An organisation that has an idea of its digital maturity level has a reference point for determining what steps should be taken to reach a higher level and thus realise the organisation's digital transformation.
TIMAF developed a model to determine an organisation's digital maturity. This model analyses an organisation on four dimensions - Organisation, Information, Technology, and Culture - and then determines the maturity level at which the organisation is located.

Reaching a higher level with digital transformation.
The higher the digital maturity, the better the organisation can survive in the rapidly changing digital world.

As you can see, there are five levels of the digital maturity model: Unmanaged, Beginning, Learning, Responsive, and Predictive. The last two maturity levels are the goal of digital transformation: Responsive or Predictive.
At the Responsive level, the organisation is able to listen well to the signals from the different target groups and respond appropriately. The digital strategy is regularly adjusted to changing circumstances.
The highest Predictive level is for organisations that are able to use digital tools to make decisions that serve the target groups even better. The organisation undergoes continuous transformation."
The role of processes in digital maturity.
In the main dimension of Organisation, you measure the maturity in terms of strategy, processes, business, governance, and alignment.

In the Processes dimension, the extent to which the organisation and information processes have been mapped and (continuously) optimised is examined.
Organisations that actively manage processes have their processes in order. They measure each process on the outcome and value. In addition, they can optimise processes quickly and continuously. This gives them a lasting advantage over their competitors.
At the highest level of digital maturity, processes are continuously analysed and optimised. The organisation and information processes and customer and employee journeys are fully mapped and interconnected.
Determine the process maturity of your organisation.
The TIMAF maturity model helps you determine the maturity of your organisation in terms of process management and what steps need to be taken to reach the higher desired level.
At the Unmanaged level, there is no attention to process management and no process analyses are carried out. There may be some process descriptions, but these are often outdated work instructions. Or they have scattered some paper (!) manuals around that no one reads.
At the Beginning level, process analyses are occasionally carried out, usually because a new tool is being purchased. But there is no complete map of all processes and their relationships.
At the Learning level, a few processes are already being measured and optimised. The customer process is also looked at and the organisational process is aligned with it. But this is still the exception and not the normal way of working.
At the Responsive level, all outcomes (!) of all processes are assessed for their value to the customer and those processes are optimised if there is insufficient value.
At the Predictive level, processes are continuously optimised and many processes are also automated to the extent that the system itself decides which process (steps) to use to guarantee maximum value for the individual customer.
How mature is your process management?
At what level is your organisation? If it is not Responsive or Predictive, there is still a lot of work to be done on the road to digital transformation. No "cool tool" or "agile UX" approach will fill that gap.
Do the Digital maturity self-test and find out how mature your organisation is. We will send you the results within 5 working days.
Would you like to know more about the TIMAF maturity model? Then feel free to contact us at or +31 (0)6 1446 5585.
Training for professionals in digital transformation
In the 4-day Business process management (BPM) training you will learn how to better position, analyse, improve, implement, measure and optimise process management.
The training is specially designed for professionals who want to supplement their professional knowledge with new insights into process management and digital transformation.
You can bring your own case and on day 4 you will present that case based on everything you have learned in the training.
More about the BPM training on Nov. 13, 14, 20 and 21 in Utrecht.